AFPGV NPD Advertising Specifications

Ad Sizes - Click on Images to download an example size

Full Page Ad/
Half Page Ad
Half Page Ad
Quarter Page Ad 
5" w x 8" h 5" w x 3.875" h 2.375" w x 8" h 2.375" w x 3.875" h


Accepted File Types

  1. Press-ready pdfs (embed all fonts, images 300 dpi or better)
  2. High-res jpgs or tifs (300 dpi or better, flattened)
  3. eps or ai (convert all fonts to outlines, include all images, 300 dpi or better)
  4. Ads may also be provided in Adobe InDesign or Illustrator (include all linked graphics/photos in high-res, and convert all fonts to outlines)

Ads created in Word, Publisher, Excel, Powerpoint, or Quark will NOT be accepted. Our design team can create an ad for you for a fee. Estimate available in advance dependent on needs and complexity of design.

Full Color Booklet
All ads are in color.

Please submit your ad by October 31st. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.